What is a Website Audit?

An evaluation of page performance before intensive search engine optimisation (SEO) or a website redesign is called a website audit. You can know if your website is optimised to meet your traffic objectives by auditing it, and you’ll also get a feel of what you can do to improve it. By partnering with an SEO company in Leicester, you can receive specialised strategies and expert guidance to conduct a comprehensive audit and optimise your website, ultimately transforming its performance and driving organic traffic.

What Is Included In An SEO Audit?Seo company Leicester

A website audit indicates development opportunities and typically yields a list of useful insights for every section of the website, such as:

  • Technical SEO includes factors like indexing, crawlability, and meta tags that affect a website’s presence in search results.
  • User experience: ensuring a favourable visitor experience through website design, navigation, and accessibility.
  • Website architecture and internal linking help to produce a logical flow and enhance crawling by search engines.
  • Material gaps and opportunities: areas for expansion to better satisfy user demands and boost rankings, as well as missing or underperforming material.
  • Backlink profiles and social media presence are two potential off-site concerns to check for to identify any flaws that might harm search engine results.
  • Competitive market insights: An examination of the plans and tactics of competitors to assist spot areas for development and expansion.

Types Of SEO Audit

It is important to carefully examine the type of SEO audit required to identify particular development areas to ensure resources are employed efficiently. Businesses may enhance their online presence and improve search engine results by choosing the right SEO audit, which will eventually spur growth and income. An SEO company in Leicester can help you with your SEO audit.

Content Audit: A content audit offers a systematic analysis of a website’s content to assess performance, pinpoint areas for development, find keyword cannibalisation, and increase search engine exposure. This procedure includes evaluating the content’s correctness, relevance, and quality, ensuring that it adheres to Google’s E-E-A-T standards, and optimising it for featured snippets.

Off-Page Audit: Examining the external factors that affect a website’s visibility and search engine rankings is a component of off-page SEO audits. The approach looks at backlink profiles, social media presence, and brand mentions to determine strengths and weaknesses.

Technical SEO Audit: A technical SEO audit examines the technical components of a website to improve performance and guarantee search engine accessibility. Some important variables considered are crawling and indexing, site performance, optimisation, sitemaps, structured data, basic web vitals, and mobile responsiveness.

Local SEO Audit: The main goal of a local SEO audit is to assess and improve a website’s online presence for increased exposure in local search results. This process includes examining local business listings and citations, Google Business Profiles, on-page geographic-specific content, user reviews, keyword research, and competition analysis.

Benefits Of An SEO Audit

Evaluating your website’s content may help your business’s reputation and increase revenue. The following are some reasons for considering an SEO audit.

  • Improved Search Ranking
  • Improved Website Performance
  • Enhanced User Experience
  • Better conversions rate
  • Competitive advantage
  • Stronger brand reputation

An SEO audit can significantly transform your website’s performance by identifying crucial areas for improvement and optimising its visibility in search engine rankings. By conducting an SEO audit, businesses can enhance their website’s user experience, increase organic traffic, and ultimately boost conversions. When it comes to optimising your website, partnering with a reputable SEO company in Leicester like Sharla Digital can provide invaluable expertise and tailored strategies to address specific SEO challenges. Their team of professionals can conduct comprehensive audits, implement targeted optimisations, and provide ongoing support to help your website thrive in the competitive digital landscape.