Our Process

At Sharla Digital, we understand how precious time is in the professional services, and have created a client onboarding process which takes up as few of your billable hours as possible.

Sharla’s process is focused on:

Streamlining your activity – providing what you need, with no constant upselling
Data-driven processes – we lead with audits and data gathering to ensure we make decisions which are always backed by solid data analysis
Expertise in your niche – work for the professional services by professionals

Our onboarding and initial work is focused on getting to the point of done-for-you SEO and content marketing – where we can quickly gather the information we need and springboard into spending our time on creating an intelligent digital marketing campaign that will make real impacts on your business as quickly as possible.

1. Questionnaire

We will send you a questionnaire to help us collect information information about:

  • Your business
  • Your current performance 
  • Your audience
  • Your current and past marketing
  • Your targets and KPIs

Our onboarding questionnaire should take around 15 minutes to complete, and you can complete the questionnaire in your own time. 

We will ask for specific information such as number of leads and cost-per-lead which you may not have on hand during a longer discovery meeting.  

2. Kick-Off Meeting

This is where our digital strategist will meet with you and relevant  members of staff to talk through the information provided on the questionnaire, your aims for your firms or business. 

At this point we will also ask for access to relevant digital platforms such as Analytics, Google Search Console and more – we will send over easy-to-understand instructions to set this up. 

3. Audits

The most important part of setting up our marketing and making informed decisions about how to plan your activity is through auditing your website and existing digital assets. 

Our audits will thoroughly assess every aspect of your digital marketing mix. This includes:

  • On-Site and Technical SEO Audit –  we will crawl your site and collect information around your SEO set-up and performance
  • Keyword Research – we will produce a planner of keyword research including your core keywords, local keywords, longtail keywords and important metrics such as search volumes and difficulty scores, which determine how easy it is to get onto page 1
  • Link Profile Audit – we will review where you are linked online, including the quality and relevancy of those links 
  • Google Analytics Audit – reviewing your Google Analytics account to assess your current performance and ensure you are collecting the right data
  • Local SEO Performance Audit –  determining how you are performing for local searches and improvements are needed 
  • Content Audit – a manual assessment of your current website content, how it is structured, how it performs etc. 
  • Social Media Audit – a review of your social media platforms and current performance
  • Competitor Review – an audit of your major competitors, assessing their performance and identifying opportunities from their current web presence 

These will all generate a list of activities needed to get your site to the best condition to perform on Google. 

Once we have completed our audits and presented our findings, one of our digital strategists will review and prioritise activity, using their experience to decide what is going to get you up the SERPs fastest.

4. Foundation Work

The work determined from our audits is called foundation work, this is the essential fixes and content creation that will help lift your site on Google and other search engine results pages. 

Depending on the status of your website, foundation work can include – 

  • Creation or edits of service pages
  • Edits of title tags and meta descriptions
  • SEO optimisation of existing content on site
  • Set-up or optimisation of your Google Business Profile
  • Collating simple link building opportunities 
  • Creation of a social media strategy

…& more!

5. Ongoing Work

Once we have completed our foundational work, we will then hone our work towards a more bespoke and specialised approach towards your digital marketing and business goals. 

This work can include long-form content creation, development on your site to improve your page load speeds, social media campaigns and link building campaigns. Every client will have a different approach, based around our targets and KPIs. 

Ready To Get Started?

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