Affordable Technical SEO Services For Professional Service Firms

Search engine algorithms favour sites that are fast-loading, well-structured and technically sound. Our technical SEO audits and optimisations will make sure your site reaches the right clients making the right searches, delivered at lightning speed.

Technical SEO provides a foundation for a website to confidently build up a user-friendly website and content campaign which will provide ROI without unexpected snags and blockers.

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What Is Technical SEO?

Improve your site’s performance and grab more search engine traffic

Google and other search engines rank websites by crawling them before ‘indexing’ and ranking them. Technical SEO is the activity that happens ‘under the hood’ of your website to ensure search engines can read your site easily, and give you a more favourable ranking on a search engine results page.

Errors are spotted using site crawlers which flag technical issues. Technical SEO audits also cover essential search engine ranking factors including site speed, mobile usability and how much of the site is indexed by Google.

Technical SEO and monitoring will ensure your site achieves and attains high rankings for relevant keywords, translating to more traffic and more leads.

Even small mistakes on website architecture can have a significant impact on performance and lose leads and revenue. Just a second delay in page loading speeds can lose you traffic and conversions.

We can perform technical SEO on WordPress sites and a range of other content management systems. Technical SEO isn’t a one-time job, which is why we include a base level of technical support in all of our SEO packages, so all of our clients are guaranteed a healthy website.

Our Technical SEO Services Include:

Technical Audit

An MOT for your website, catching snags and technical errors which may be affecting your site’s performance

Website Architecture Review

We make sure your website is easy to crawl, and can help restructure or transfer websites without losing any Google traffic

Google Penalty Removals

We can help lift any Google penalties through technical fixes and manual requests

Speed Optimisations

We work on those little fixes which will knock seconds off your load speed

Fixes and Cleanup

Our technical SEO experts will implement technical fixes and ‘housekeeping’ cleanup on your site month-to-month

Structured Data Markup

These special bits of code will help your site grab more space on search engine results pages and encourage more click-throughs from Google

Ongoing Monthly Crawls

We will keep a technical eye on your site with a monthly crawl of your site using leading technical SEO tools which quickly identifies snags

Technical SEO FAQ

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