Bradford & Son Solicitors

1283 %

increase in enquiries

75 %

increase in conversion rate

650 %

increase in users

The client

One of our showcase projects over the last few years was with Bradford and Son Solicitors. They are experienced solicitors dedicated to providing expert and effective legal advice to individuals and businesses.

The goals

The primary goal for Bradford and Son Solicitors was to enhance their visibility in Sheffield, with fierce competition in the legal services sector. Our objective was to elevate their online presence, generate higher website traffic, and boost enquiry rates from potential clients in the local area.

The SEO strategy

To tackle the challenge of increasing local visibility, we developed a comprehensive SEO strategy tailored specifically for Bradford and Son Solicitors. Our approach involved the following key elements:

Keyword Research and Optimisation:
We conducted extensive research to identify relevant keywords that potential clients in Sheffield would use when searching for legal services. With an initial list of only 20 targeted phrases, our strategy evolved over time, expanding to over 500 keywords, including more than 50 securing the top position on Google's search results.

On-Page Optimisation:
We implemented strategic on-page optimisation techniques, optimising meta tags, headers, and content to improve the website's relevancy and search engine ranking. This helped search engines better understand the website's content and effectively present it to the target audience.

Content Marketing and Link Building:
We developed a content marketing strategy that included creating informative and engaging articles, blog posts, and legal guides relevant to Bradford and Son Solicitors' practice areas. Simultaneously, we executed a robust link-building campaign to establish authoritative backlinks, further boosting the website's credibility and visibility in search engine results.

The PPC strategy

In addition to our SEO efforts, we implemented a targeted PPC strategy, specifically utilising Google AdWords. This approach involved the following elements:

Keyword Research and Selection:
Similar to the SEO strategy, we conducted thorough keyword research to identify high-performing keywords relevant to the law firm's services in Sheffield. These keywords were strategically targeted in the AdWords campaigns.

Ad Copy Creation:
We crafted compelling ad copy that resonated with the target audience, highlighting Bradford and Son Solicitors' expertise, reliability, and unique value proposition. The ad copy was optimised to drive clicks and conversions.

Geographical Targeting:
To maximise local visibility, we employed precise geographical targeting, focusing specifically on the Sheffield area. This ensured that the PPC ads were shown predominantly to individuals searching for legal services in Sheffield.

Ad Campaign Monitoring and Optimisation:
We closely monitored the performance of the PPC campaigns, continuously optimising them to achieve the best possible results. This involved refining keyword selection, adjusting bid strategies, and optimising landing pages to maximise conversions.

The result

Our SEO & PPC services were started with Bradford and Son Solicitors in beginning 2019. The website has been growing steadily, and we have helped achieve large increases traffic and enquiry rates.
After starting slowly, our SEO service grew in scope along with the results being generated, and, for example with a starting keyword list of only 20 phrases, this has now evolved to 500, including more than 50 Google No.1s.
The SEO and our continuous improvement process more than doubled the visitor rate to the website in the first year, and achieved a 75% improvement in enquiry rates, identifiable as coming from the website. Now after nearly 4 years, the visitor rate for the site has improved by more than +650%, as well as huge increases in their website's coverage on Google, increasing from 10 top 5 positions to over 80.

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